Tuesday, June 21, 2011

1st day at Tawakkal Specialist Hospital

today i'm start my day with a big smile bcoz today is my 1st working at new place , new environment and new staff .. sampai² je macam biase la amek report .. hahaha .. and macam biase la hari 1st aq mst jadi student 1st yang sampai dulu tapi lepas² tue tak kuase mak nak datang awal .. bukan dapat gaji .. tapi dapat ilmu .. now i'm in sem 4 so that mean I must do a case presentation .. now , the case can be endocrine, musculosketal, nephrology, neurology and urology .. but until now i dun plan what case that i like to do ..hurm .. maybe sebab tak jumpe case ag kott .. menurut kata senior² yang lepas .. better wat case fracture .. tapi aq keje ward medical .. so kurang la surgical case .. ha . cakap pasal medical ward .. aq suka sangat nama ward aq .. nak tahu ape nama dy ?? AZALEA MEDICAL WARD .. nice right ? yelah .. name of flower uh ..whatever it is Tawakkal Specialist Hospital is the elegant hospital compare than my previous hospital .. beside that , the staff also very kind & friendly.. 

Monday, June 20, 2011

become closer

minit berganti jam , jam berganti hari , hari berganti minggu dan minggu berganti bulan .. diam tak diam rupa² nya da lebih 5 bulan aq ngan Mr .P bercinta .. eceh ! nie pon dy yang cakap .. if ikot aq bru 3 bulan .. sendiri paham sudah la ye .. dan tanpa di duga juga kami semakin rapat .. pada mula nya memang la ada je yang tak kene tapi bila da lame nie rase lagi rindu tuh membuak² .. mane tak ye lepas je abis posting kat Ampang Puteri , 2 bulan kami tak berenggang ..every week mesti jumpe ..yang buat rase rindu tuh membuak² sebab sekarang nie aq posting jauh dari dy .. aq posting kat KL lg tapi dy kat JB .. hurm .. da laa posting kali niee 2 bulan .. cam ne la aq nak face benda² nie sume .. aduh2 .. ape pon just pray that he will come here and spend time wif me just like previous ..INSYAALLAH