Friday, July 15, 2011

Having knee pain

PEHHHH!!!! da bape hari nie aku rase sakit yang teramat sakit kat LUTUT kaki kiri nie ... nak cakap jatuh baru2 nie memang ta de .. tapi nape tah sakit sangat .. tapi mase special semester 1 dulu memang ade jatuh ... HAHAHAHA ... JATUH TOILET 2 ... yelah nak selamat kan diri yang da ade air sembahyang nie .. malas la nak kene air yang bertakung kat dalam toilet ... dengan condifent ... opss .. confident ...aku pon lompat dari dalam keluar toilet .. da la lantai licin and selipar toilet pon licin ... memang jatuh sliding ar .. da macam superwomen ta jadi lak .. and maybe sakit yang aku rase sekarang nie effect dari jatuh yang dulu 2 ...kat bawah nie aku jumpe tadi .. and more than 3 of them are same as me felt ..

Question: Do any of these symptoms sound familiar?
  • Morning stiffness wears off quickly.
  • Shooting Knee pain while walking or running. ( √ )
  • Painful to stand up after long periods of sitting. (√ )
  • Knee cap cracking or popping when the knee is flexed. ( √ )
  • Knee pain when climbing stairs. (√ )
  • Swollen puffy knees.
  • Pain under the knee cap.

Ade pape ke yang ta kene dgn my knee nie ?? hari 2 ade tanye gak kat doctor Ruslan ( Orthopedic Surgeon TSH ) ,, dy cakap boleh jadi farcture tapi ta bgtau dy pon aku yang kene .. hahaha sengal kan .. nie tengah discuss dgn my sis nak g wat x-ray ..nak tengok mne tau kot2 ade fracture ... aish ..mane boleh jadi seh macam nie .. lutut nie nak pakai lama ... and nie jawapan yang aku jumpe dr question kat atas uh ..

If you answered “yes” to any of the above, then you may be suffering from either:
1. Sprained or Torn Ligaments
2. Strained and Ruptured Tendons
3. Patellar Tendonitis
4. Cartilage Injuries – Meniscal Tears
5. Chondromalacia Patella
6. Osteoarthritis 
7. Rheumatoid Arthritis 

Lepas nie nak jage la lutut nie elok2 .. nak mintak abah beli kan knee guard la if da ta tahan sangat .. memang sakit sgt .. da la keje aku memerlukan berjalan and berdiri yang lame .. aku nak sihat .. ta nak sakit .. 

HELP ME !!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Laughing day but .......

hari  nie dari pagi sampai la detik tengah update blog nie .. aku asyik ketawe je .. even tengah ade problem.. mase tengah kerja pon dok ketawe je .. start dari masuk kerja .. first2 ketawe mase doctor tengah jumpe patient yang datang ke klinik tok follow up .. and patient hari nie ok sume even ade yang datin .. then lepas launch doctor ade meeting .. biase doctor I nie MD ( medical director ) hospital , so almost all meeting he must attend .. time doctor tengah meeting uh aku dengan klinik nurse madah nak wat lawak and ketawe berdekah2 jep .. ade je topik yang wat kite orang nak ketawe .. lagi2 kak Emah .. memang hobi die ketawe and aku tahu prinsip die same ngan aku "HAPPY GO LUCKY'' ..da abis kat hospital merebak sampai kat uma .. yang kat uma ade sorang mbe aku nie memang suka sakat orang .. name die Pqa Yusra .. otak die memang gile2 tapi yang penting maintain pandai k .. time tngah update blog nie aku terpikir sumthing ade bad thing yang nak jadi ke ?? yela .. lately nie aku ngan my kanda banyak problem .. kite orang da dingin since end of last week .. aku pon ta tahu ape salah aku sampi die dingin je ngan aku .. semalam baru je lepas ok titebe tadi gaduh lagi .. aku nak bukak fb tapi die cakap aku ta bgtau padahal aku da msg and time msg uh aku belom lagi bukak fb die .. nape la ngan my kanda nie ?? hope sgt we all will be alright just like before ..

Care Tips For The Genital Area

Today i would like to share something about health especially women .. why women ??? this is bcoz women are prone being infected such as ;
from sexual activity , less hygiene ,  
longer use of pads during period or wet panties ,
 and many more ..
first of all u must follow this step ..
take care your private part all the time

② the best treatment of all disease is drink plenty of water .. plain water is good for health .. 
the recommendation is about 1.5 - 2 liters per day or equal to 8 glasses 

③ have good hygiene on that area ..  hygiene is include the way to wash , the solution that be advice 
 and the good temperature for the water ..ok ! the way to wash is easy .. u must rub it gently and 
don't not rub too hard and using hard things . this part is very sensitive . then,
the solution u use is in between pH 7.7 or u can refer to the pharmacist and normally 
people are using seba med feminine wash .. or u can also the old way method to wash that area
by using salt ... yes salt ..why salt ? salt is sodium and sodium is antigen that help to kill germs.
the area u must soak with salt warm water about 10 - 15 minutes, 2-3 times a day. 
but this methods are advice to be use when u have splint, ulcerated, weepy or swollen ..


Monday, July 11, 2011

hari yang ta bape best

yeah .. pagi yang indah apabila sampia je kat klinik doctor and then klinik nurse cakap ''dik , hari nie doctor ta masuk ea .. doctor ade court case .. so ...sekarang nie i dudok je kat klinik .. hahaha .. tapi lepas doctor balik je i terus kena ikut doctor g operation theater (OT) sebab doctor ade 1 case .. tapi dengar esok lagi best sebab doctor ade 3 case .. wah . ,ati la i kena berdiri tah bape jam lak nie .. hahaha .. ape2 pon memang best .. terbaik wokk !!

case study not in progress

hurm. . .rase lama lak ta update entri kan .. nak kate busy wat case study ta pon .. maybe sebab penat ngan practical kot .. mane ta nye balik keje baam ... terus tido ..hahaha .. sampai ade sekali tuh ta mandi pon .. esok pagi g kje bru mandi .. tido punye pasal la nie .. wah ! diam ta diam da 3 weeks kat KPJ Tawakkal nie kan ... yang best ye case study ta bergerak g .. jgn cakap power point yang word pon ta gerak g .. hahahaha .. roommate sume da start wat ... alahai wawa ble la kamu nak mule nie ?? da la ta stsrt g .. case yang aku wat pon ta bape nak paham sgt la .. bukan ta paham ape tapi ta paham camne patient aku boleh dapat ..nak discuss ngan doctor .. seram lak tengok muke serius doctor Khoo ..hope dapat siap kan on time and its be good before the presentation ... InsyaAllah ...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

1st day at Tawakkal Specialist Hospital

today i'm start my day with a big smile bcoz today is my 1st working at new place , new environment and new staff .. sampai² je macam biase la amek report .. hahaha .. and macam biase la hari 1st aq mst jadi student 1st yang sampai dulu tapi lepas² tue tak kuase mak nak datang awal .. bukan dapat gaji .. tapi dapat ilmu .. now i'm in sem 4 so that mean I must do a case presentation .. now , the case can be endocrine, musculosketal, nephrology, neurology and urology .. but until now i dun plan what case that i like to do ..hurm .. maybe sebab tak jumpe case ag kott .. menurut kata senior² yang lepas .. better wat case fracture .. tapi aq keje ward medical .. so kurang la surgical case .. ha . cakap pasal medical ward .. aq suka sangat nama ward aq .. nak tahu ape nama dy ?? AZALEA MEDICAL WARD .. nice right ? yelah .. name of flower uh ..whatever it is Tawakkal Specialist Hospital is the elegant hospital compare than my previous hospital .. beside that , the staff also very kind & friendly.. 

Monday, June 20, 2011

become closer

minit berganti jam , jam berganti hari , hari berganti minggu dan minggu berganti bulan .. diam tak diam rupa² nya da lebih 5 bulan aq ngan Mr .P bercinta .. eceh ! nie pon dy yang cakap .. if ikot aq bru 3 bulan .. sendiri paham sudah la ye .. dan tanpa di duga juga kami semakin rapat .. pada mula nya memang la ada je yang tak kene tapi bila da lame nie rase lagi rindu tuh membuak² .. mane tak ye lepas je abis posting kat Ampang Puteri , 2 bulan kami tak berenggang ..every week mesti jumpe ..yang buat rase rindu tuh membuak² sebab sekarang nie aq posting jauh dari dy .. aq posting kat KL lg tapi dy kat JB .. hurm .. da laa posting kali niee 2 bulan .. cam ne la aq nak face benda² nie sume .. aduh2 .. ape pon just pray that he will come here and spend time wif me just like previous ..INSYAALLAH