Tuesday, June 21, 2011

1st day at Tawakkal Specialist Hospital

today i'm start my day with a big smile bcoz today is my 1st working at new place , new environment and new staff .. sampai² je macam biase la amek report .. hahaha .. and macam biase la hari 1st aq mst jadi student 1st yang sampai dulu tapi lepas² tue tak kuase mak nak datang awal .. bukan dapat gaji .. tapi dapat ilmu .. now i'm in sem 4 so that mean I must do a case presentation .. now , the case can be endocrine, musculosketal, nephrology, neurology and urology .. but until now i dun plan what case that i like to do ..hurm .. maybe sebab tak jumpe case ag kott .. menurut kata senior² yang lepas .. better wat case fracture .. tapi aq keje ward medical .. so kurang la surgical case .. ha . cakap pasal medical ward .. aq suka sangat nama ward aq .. nak tahu ape nama dy ?? AZALEA MEDICAL WARD .. nice right ? yelah .. name of flower uh ..whatever it is Tawakkal Specialist Hospital is the elegant hospital compare than my previous hospital .. beside that , the staff also very kind & friendly.. 

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