Saturday, January 29, 2011

Snap ! Snap ! Snap !

Lately nie aQ ske amek pic orang xpon owg yg amek pic aQ ....
memang best lagi2 hasil nyer memuaskan .
apa2 pon sekarang nie still in LEARNING g .
nie lah hasil2 nyer .
tribute khas tok My Mr. Pyan Jimbet ....

this pic take on 7th January .
near to Bazar JB .
take by Mr. Pyan Jimb3t .
Canon EOS 50D

also same like above .
 same person take .
same place .
and same time .

also same like above .

ha . this one is at Jusco Tebrau .
on 31st December 2010
baru je amek baby Mr. Pyan .
 Canon EOS 50D
for trial he take my pic .
 edited by he also .

 this pic take when Afriena & I go for hangout .
 during Public Holiday .
 at Pelangi Leisure Mall .

hahahahahaha .
 this part is for me .
 bcoz this pic is take by me .
 this time at Bazar JB .
 on 7th January 2011
Panasonic Lumix MEGA O.I.S

this is also same .
take by Me .
at same place .
and same time .
ops forg3t !
let me introduce who is he
this is la my Mr. Pyan Jimb3t .
or true name Mohd. Sufian Abd. Majid

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